OpenFEMA Dataset: Hazard Mitigation Assistance Projects - v4
Key | Value |
Entity Name | HazardMitigationAssistanceProjects |
API Endpoint | |
Update Frequency | R/P1D |
Program URL | |
Category | Hazard Mitigation |
Keywords | mitigation |
This dataset contains Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the NEMIS Mitigation and eGrants grants management systems. For details on HMA subapplications/subgrants not captured in these systems, visit
This dataset contains information on the HMA subapplications/subgrants that have been submitted to or awarded in source systems mentioned above, as well as amendments made to the awarded subgrants. Sensitive information, such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII), has been removed to protect privacy. The information in this dataset has been deemed appropriate for publication to empower public knowledge of mitigation activities and the nature of HMA grant programs. For more information on the HMA grant programs, visit:
This dataset comes from the source systems mentioned above and is subject to a small percentage of human error. In some cases, data was not provided by the subapplicant, applicant, and/or entered into the grant management system. The financial information in this dataset is not derived from FEMA's official financial systems. Due to differences in reporting periods, status of obligations, and how business rules are applied, this financial information may differ slightly from official publication on public websites such as This dataset is not intended to be used for any official federal financial reporting.
If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at .
Full Data
Format | Address | Record Count | Approximate File Size |
csv | Link to csv | 52675 | small (10MB - 50MB) |
json | Link to json | 52675 | small (10MB - 50MB) |
jsona | Link to jsona | 52675 | small (10MB - 50MB) |
jsonl | Link to jsonl | 52675 | small (10MB - 50MB) |
parquet | Link to parquet | 52675 | small (10MB - 50MB) |
Data Fields
Name | Title | Type | Description | Is Searchable |
projectIdentifier | Project Identifier |
Single-value that uniquely identifies the project. Disaster-based projects use the convention of DR-disaster number-project number-suffix (e.g., DR-1761-0001-M) while non-disaster projects use the unique project number (e.g., FMA-PJ-10-WA-2017-006) | yes |
programArea | Program Area |
Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant program areas such as BRIC - Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities grant program, FMA - Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program, HMGP - Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, LPDM - Legislative Pre-disaster Mitigation grant program, PDM - Pre-disaster Mitigation grant program, RFC - Repetitive Flood Claims grant program, SRL - Severe Repetitive Loss grant program | yes |
programFy | Program FY |
The fiscal year the disaster declaration date for disaster programs; the fiscal year from the Project Identifier for non-disaster programs (e.g., 2005 from PDMC-PJ-04-AL-2005-001) | yes |
region | Region |
Number (1-10) used to represent the Region associated with the project | yes |
state | State |
Full name of the State (e.g., Virginia) associated with the project | yes |
stateNumberCode | State Number Code |
FIPS code corresponding to the State (e.g., 51 represents Virginia/VA) associated with the project | yes |
county | County |
Full name of the primary county (e.g., Broward) associated with the project. Note, projects can be associated with more than one county (see the Project Counties field) and are often reported as Statewide (e.g., 000 represents Statewide) | yes |
countyCode | County Code |
FIPS code uniquely identifying the primary county (e.g., 011 represents Broward County) associated with the project. Note, projects can be associated with more than one county (see the Project Counties field) and are often reported as Statewide (e.g., 000 represents Statewide) | yes |
disasterNumber | Disaster Number |
Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. Note, some older non-disaster projects will report a disaster number due to the system of record used at the time. For more information on the disaster process, please visit | yes |
projectCounties | Project Counties |
County, or Counties, associated with the project. When a project involves more than one county, a semicolon-delimited list of counties is displayed | yes |
projectType | Project Type |
Project, or activity, type(s) for the project. When a project involves more than one type/activity, a semicolon-delimited list of types/activities is displayed | yes |
status | Status |
Current status of the project. The following options for status are: Approved: Refers to HMGP projects that have been approved for award by FEMA and for which funds have been obligated Awarded: Refers to PDM and FMA projects from before FY2004 that have been approved for award by FEMA and for which funds have been obligated Obligated: Refers to PDM and FMA projects from FY2004 onward and FY19 BRIC projects that have been approved for award by FEMA and for which funds have been obligated Completed: Refers to FMA projects from FY2003 and earlier that were approved for award and fiscally reconciled at the end of the performance period Closed: Refers to all HMGP and PDM projects and FMA projects from FY2004 onward that were approved for award and fiscally reconciled at the end of the performance period. Void: Represents grants that were nullified. Pending: Represents grants that are still under review and do not have a final decision. Revision Requested: Represents grants that upon review, the reviewers requested additional information from the (sub)applicant before making the final decision. Withdrawn: Represents applications that have been withdrawn by the subapplicant for various reasons. Please note that there might be projects in these categories that do not meet these definitions. | yes |
recipient | Recipient |
Name of the recipient (previously referred to as grantee) to which the grant is awarded. The recipient is accountable for the use of the funds provided by FEMA and is responsible for disbursing those funds to the subrecipient | yes |
recipientTribalIndicator | Recipient Tribal Indicator |
Indicates if the recipient (or formally referred to as grantee) is Tribal. | no |
subrecipient | Subrecipient |
Name of the subrecipient (previously referred to as subrecipient) involved in the project | yes |
subrecipientTribalIndicator | Subrecipient Tribal Indicator |
Indicates if the subrecipient (previously referred to as subgrantee) is Tribal | no |
dataSource | Data Source |
Indicates which source system provided the data (e.g., eGrants, FMA, HMGP, HMGP-Historical) | yes |
dateApproved | Date Approved |
Date the project was approved by FEMA. For HMGP projects, this date is based on the Regional Directors signature date for the latest amendment that was approved. | yes |
dateClosed | Date Closed |
Date the project was closed by FEMA. | yes |
dateInitiallyApproved | Date Initially Approved |
Date the project was initially approved by FEMA. For HMGP projects, this date is based on the Regional Directors signature date for the first amendment that was approved. | yes |
projectAmount | Project Amount |
Total cost of the project as submitted in the project subapplication. | yes |
initialObligationDate | Initial Obligation Date |
Date when funds were initally obligated. | yes |
initialObligationAmount | Initial Obligation Amount |
Initial obligation amount | yes |
federalShareObligated | Federal Share Obligated |
Federal share obligated for eligible project activities. For HMGP this field does not include Admin Costs or Management Costs obligated with the project. | yes |
subrecipientAdminCostAmt | Subrecipient Administrative Costs Obligated |
Amount obligated for eligible subrecipient administrative activities (previously referred to as Federal Share Subgrantee Admin Amount). Subrecipient Administrative Costs only apply to disasters prior to November 13, 2007. | yes |
srmcObligatedAmt | Subrecipient Management Costs Obligated |
Amount obligated for eligible subrecipient management costs activities. Subrecipient Management Costs only apply to disasters declared on or after August 1, 2017. | yes |
recipientAdminCostAmt | Recipient Administrative Costs Obligated |
Amount obligated for eligible recipient (previously referred to Grantee Administrative Activities). Recipient Administrative Costs only apply to disasters prior to November 13, 2007 | yes |
costSharePercentage | Cost Share Percentage |
Proposed percentage of the project cost to be covered by FEMA. | yes |
benefitCostRatio | Benefit Cost Ratio |
The Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) is a numerical expression of the cost-effectiveness of a project. The BCR is derived from a project's total net benefits divided by its total project cost. Composite BCRs of 1.0 or greater have more benefits than costs, and are therefore cost-effective. | yes |
netValueBenefits | Net Value Benefits |
Net present value of benefits from the Benefit-Cost Analysis that represents the amount of benefits that will occur for the life of the project. | yes |
numberOfFinalProperties | Number of Final Properties |
Actual number of properties mitigated by the project as provided by project closeout activities. | yes |
numberOfProperties | Number of Properties |
Proposed number of properties to be mitigated by the project. Note, a zero values means the project does not apply mitigation directly to structures. | yes |
id | ID |
Unique ID assigned to the record | yes |
See Also
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